Xero Global Release Update August 2018

Xero is an award-winning and leading online accounting software designed to make small businesses easier. Being a Cloud-based solution and continuing to grow, they are constantly introducing enhancements and improvements to the software as discussed in this article.
Recently released updates
- Search enhancements to Find & recode
- Private use depreciation for fixed assets
- Partners can lodge Activity Statements with Xero
- Running balance for an account transactions report
- Create a project invoice on Xero Projects for mobile
- Link credit notes to projects
- The invoice lists load instantly on mobile
Updates Coming soon
- Email to bills – pre-populated fields
- Multi-page support for PDF receipts in new Expenses
- Add & edit bills on mobile
- Profit at a glance on mobile
- Uncoded transaction report
- WorkflowMax – moving to Xero login
Released updates
Search enhancements to Find & recode Xero Advisors can now find and fix their client’s mistakes even faster through new search enhancements to Find & recode in Xero. You can now search for transactions by bank account, invoice number, or reference. Private use depreciation for fixed assets Partners can split each of their client's assets between private and business use so they can assign tax to only the business portion with private use depreciation for Fixed assets. Running balance for account transactions reporters now enables you to view a running balance on the account transactions report so you can keep tabs on the movements of your accounts and easily view the impact of your totals without any further manipulation.
Create a project invoice on Xero Projects for mobileUsers of Xero Projects on mobile can now create invoices directly from their mobile device. This means whether you’re in the office, or out on site you can now create and send an invoice to customers in real-time. Link credit notes to projects you can now link sales credit notes recorded against invoices back to projects. This means you will always see a true and accurate representation of your project's profitability. And, coming soon you will also be able to link purchase credit notes so that your costs are reflected accurately. Invoice lists load instantly on mobile you can now view invoice lists on mobile so they now display instantly. Connected app recommendations within Xero. We’ve made it faster and easier for small businesses and their advisors to find the right app to connect with Xero. All of the information from the app marketplace is now available directly within Xero on apps.xero.com. Simply set your industry to view recommended apps for your business. Xero Advisors can also view the right apps for their clients with just one click from Xero HQ Explorer.
Updated Coming soon
Email to bills – pre-populated fields currently in BETA, and released incrementally over the coming weeks, email to bills will reduce the time you spend on admin by extracting the key information from text PDF bills and automatically populating the; total, bill date, due date (if specified explicitly), reference and supplier fields to create a bill entry in Xero – simply forward your bills to Xero and we’ll take care of the rest. Keep an eye out for this more efficient way to manage your bills and ensure an accurate, complete, real-time view of cash flow. Multi-page support for PDF receipts in new ExpensesSometimes receipts have extra information that falls on more than one page, and we know it’s frustrating to have to edit them to fit one page when you’re processing claims in the new Expenses. Hold tight, shortly, you’ll be able to drag multi-page PDF receipts into a claim and the extra pages will show without any trouble. Add & edit bills on mobile soon you’ll be able to add and edit bills on Android and iOS.
Entering bills into Xero helps you get a more complete picture of upcoming costs, which makes making decisions relating to cash flow much easier.WorkflowMax – moving to Xero login from late October, WorkflowMax will start moving those using the current WorkflowMax login credentials, to using a Xero login. This will mean that WorkflowMax can utilize all the added security features that already exist for the rest of Xero, and is the start of closer integration opportunities between the platforms. Profit at a glance on mobile coming soon, you’ll be able to get a quick view of your profit and loss, and how your income and spending are broken up. Uncoded transactions reporting up shortly, as you’re bulk downloading the uncoded transaction report, you can email the bulk download from Xero. The email functionality makes it more efficient for you to collaborate with clients by saving the steps of downloading, attaching to email, then emailing the report.
If you would like to know more about Xero or would like to take up our discounted implementation offer, submit your contact details here and one of our consultants will be in touch.
This article is an extract from the Xero website and is written in general terms and therefore cannot be relied on to cover specific situations; application of the principles set out will depend upon the particular circumstances involved and we recommend that you obtain professional advice before acting or refraining from acting on any of its contents.